The Free Verse Poem
Thu, Feb 17
While free verse poems do not follow any traditional form, meter, or rhyme scheme, they still embody structure. The poet's job is to find the structure that will amplify the poem's message.

Time & Location
Feb 17, 2022, 6:30 PM – 8:00 PM CST
About the Event
While free verse poems do not follow any traditional form, meter, or rhyme scheme, they still embody structure. The poet's job is to find the structure that will amplify the poem's message.
We will discuss the elements and tools available to the poet and how they work in the poem.
Practicing the forms of traditional poetry improves our skills in rhythm, word choice, line endings, and other important features of a poem's structure.
In this virtual workshop series, we will take a look at a particular poetry form to discover how and why it works.
This is a collaborative workshop that includes discussion and writing practice.
After you register, you will receive an "admission ticket" with the zoom link information on it.
$35 or FREE to Members
Annual Membership $35
The Free Verse Poem
Here is your Zoom link to "The Free Verse Poem" with Charlene Pierce hosted by the Nebraska Poetry Society Join Zoom Meeting https://us06web.zoom.us/j/83887850704?pwd=UXBxWkR4YlQ2YU9RQ290TDN1K2J3Zz09 Meeting ID: 838 8785 0704 Passcode: 389045 One tap mobile +16699006833,,83887850704#,,,,*389045# US (San Jose) +12532158782,,83887850704#,,,,*389045# US (Tacoma)
$35.00+$0.88 service feeSale ended