The Poetic Line: From Breath to Perception
Sat, Jan 21
In this workshop, we’ll attune ourselves to possibilities in lineation to build emotional resonance, enhance meaning, and delight readers.

Time & Location
Jan 21, 2023, 10:00 AM – 11:30 AM CST
About the Event
How do lineation choices help poets achieve potent effects? An intuitive approach to lineation starts with the breath—with what our voices naturally do with syntax—but it doesn’t stop there. In this workshop, we’ll attune ourselves to possibilities in lineation to build emotional resonance, enhance meaning, and delight readers.
RADHA MARCUM's work is rooted in ecological, social, and personal landscapes of the American West. Her poetry collection, Bloodline, received the 2018 New Mexico Book Award in Poetry, and her poems appear widely in journals, including Pleiades, Gulf Coast, FIELD, West Branch, Bennington Review, and Poetry Northwest, among others. Radha lives in Colorado where she writes the "Poet to Poet" newsletter (poettopoet.substack.com) and teaches at the Lighthouse Writers Workshop.
After you register, you will receive an "admission ticket" with the zoom link information on it.
$35 or FREE to Members
Annual Membership $35
This program is funded in part by Humanities Nebraska.
The Poetic Line: From Breath
Here is your Zoom link to The Poetic Line: From Breath to Perception with Radha Marcum, hosted by the Nebraska Poetry Society Join Zoom Meeting https://us06web.zoom.us/j/87868748530?pwd=cFVxalhQRGNNcGRTVGwzZUJWQkpTQT09 Meeting ID: 878 6874 8530 Passcode: 235948 One tap mobile +12532158782,,87868748530#,,,,*235948# US (Tacoma) +13462487799,,87868748530#,,,,*235948# US (Houston) Dial by your location +1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma)
$35.00+$0.88 service feeSale ended